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Converge takes strides toward sustainable development

Khomfie Manalo

Through the power of digital technology, these forces have changed the global economy and individual societies, bringing both positive and negative ripple effects. That’s why ICT companies such as Converge, wielding these forces has been a delicate balancing act, ensuring that it adheres to globally recognized development goals, while minimizing the ill effects of rapid spread of technology.

Connectivity and information, now at their peak of strength and dynamism, have reshaped the global economy and individual societies. This transformation, driven by digital technology, has brought about both positive and negative consequences. For ICT companies like Converge, harnessing these forces has been a delicate balancing act. It's about adhering to globally recognized development goals while mitigating the adverse effects of rapid technological advancement. 

"Today, we celebrate World Telecommunication and Information Society Day with the Digital Innovation for Sustainable Development theme. This is a theme that Converge is more than familiar with, as it has taken strides, or even leaps, to meet its sustainability commitments," said Benjamin Azada, Chief Sustainability Officer of Converge.  

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) No. 9, on Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, has been at the crosshairs of Converge's Sustainability Agenda as the company expanded its pure fiber network nationwide. As of March 2024, the Converge homes passed network has reached 16 million homes, and household coverage is at 60%. 

In 2023, Converge made a significant stride towards its mission to serve the unserved and underserved by launching two new products: Surf2Sawa and BIDA Fiber. These 'mass market' products are designed to address a key barrier to entry for fiber broadband affordability. In doing so, Converge aligns with SDG No. 1, which aims to reduce poverty in all its forms. 

In a post-pandemic and digitized schooling environment, Converge's fiber broadband connectivity aids in broadening access to quality education (SDG 4). Generally, the company promotes inclusive and sustainable growth and decent work by enabling access to job opportunities and entrepreneurial resources. 

Specific to its operations, it is focused on reducing the energy intensity of its network operations; this March, the company reached a Power Usage Effectiveness of 1.53 in its Pasig data center and 1.6 in Pampanga compared to the 1.8 PUE in 2021. This means it is undoubtedly moving towards the goal of energy efficiency. The Pampanga data center already runs on renewable energy, but the company is looking for more facilities to qualify for the Department of Energy's Retail Competition and Open Access program. 

Converge also welcomes employee and public engagement in its sustainability programs. The Zero Waste campaign aims to recycle zero waste in landfills by 2030. It primarily focuses on recycling customer premises equipment but accepts employee e-waste donations for proper disposal and handling. Converge successfully submitted and registered our Extended Producer's Responsibility (EPR) Program with the National Solid Waste Management Commission in a significant commitment to proper waste management.

"These developments present a glimpse of what Converge has done in 2023 and what it will continue to do in its commitment to grow sustainably. In a fast-paced sector like ICT, adopting a sustainable mindset may seem counterintuitive as this requires taking pause and thinking long-term; however, Converge is fully committed to creating a safe and livable future for all, and as it has shown, it's not afraid to take small, measurable steps towards it," Azada ended. 

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