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Velasco: Innovative Quad Comm probe, economical, more efficient

Writer: NewsDeskNewsDesk

House Secretary General Reginald Velasco has shared the positive experience of the Philippine House of Representatives in the historic creation of a Quad Committee to conduct a joint investigation, in aid of legislation, into intricate issues involved in the proliferation of dangerous drugs, unlawful activities prevalent and linked to online gaming organizations and extrajudicial killings.

Velasco shared his insights last Tuesday (October 15) during his speech at the Meeting of the Association of Secretaries General of Parliaments (ASGP) headed by its president Najib El Khadi, in parallel with the 149th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, at the CICG – the Geneva International Conference Centre in Geneva, Switzerland.

Velasco’s speech delved into the topic “Managing Conflicting Competencies Between Parliamentary Committees,” wherein he underscored that inter-committee disagreements happen due to jurisdictional overlap, shared policy interests, or a broad subject area.

“The adoption of a quad committee seemed to be more efficient and economical. Clashes among Committee Chairmen occurred; however, these were resolved immediately among themselves,” he said.

He said the competencies of parliamentary committees in the Philippines are harmonized to achieve a common goal in the shortest period and at the least cost possible.

“This approach also addresses common issues belonging to different committee jurisdictions and common resource persons receiving separate invitations from different committees. The result is a holistic and comprehensive report submitted to the plenary by the joint committees tasked to inquire or investigate matters in aid of legislation,” he said.

For the first time in the Philippine parliament, he said four committees of varying jurisdiction are holding a joint hearing on interwoven and intricate issues.

The quad committee meetings are public and live-streamed on the House of Representatives web page or any platform approved by the lead chairperson of the joint committee, except in executive sessions.

The creation of the Quad Committee was preceded by the recent passage by the House of Representatives of a resolution authorizing four committees to conduct joint investigations in aid of legislation relative to the above-mentioned issues.

“Four separate resolutions were passed touching on four separate jurisdictions arising from the proliferation of illegal drugs, irregularities in the procurement process and unlawful contracts, criminal activities and acts linked to Philippine Offshore Gaming Operators (POGOs). During the investigations of these committees, first separately, it was prevalent that one committee cannot tackle the other issues because it may infringe in the jurisdiction of the other committee,” he said.

Moreover, he said that identical or common personalities are needed in the hearing and may be invited as resource persons.

“The interwoven and intricate issues involved in the hearings of the committees from the proliferation of dangerous drugs, unlawful activities, extrajudicial killings warranted a joint investigation and a wholistic and comprehensive submission of a Report to the Plenary,” he said.

He explained that multiple referrals are resorted to accommodate the prerogatives of the various standing committees that share jurisdiction over a subject matter. It encourages interactions between and among committees with overlapping responsibilities for policy topics.

At the committee level, he said inter-committee disagreements can be resolved through (1) memoranda of understanding, (2) select committees, (3) standing committee creation, (4) jurisdictional transfers, (5) task forces, (6) committee composition, (7) joint hearings and (8) informal staff consultations.


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